Physics Example
Collaboration methods in particle physics and astronomy
We are especially grateful for the contributions received from Claudio Pellegrini, a physicist who is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and from Caterina Vernieri, Assistant Professor at Stanford University and co-organizer of one of the discussion groups for the last particle physics community study.
Particle physicists face specific challenges, which include the justification, design and use of very large and costly equipment. They found that community level consultations and activities increase support from the public and from funders. They have been able to do so while encouraging individual creativity and recognition.
A more in-depth document describes particle physics collaboration methods for scientists working in other fields.
The particle physics community organizes and discusses new ideas in what is called the Snowmass process, and they have developed methods to make sure that everyone’s contribution is encouraged and considered. They call this process “community driven and inclusive” and state that “all people and ideas are welcome”. There is a balance between particular interests and cooperation achieved interacting with the prospective funders, in this case government agencies.
Other fields are also increasingly encouraging community input and white papers from members of the research community as part of their long-term planning. An example is the Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020 (Astro2020), which received more than 500 science white papers. The final report states that "Members of the astronomical community were invited to submit white papers to the survey, and these papers formed the foundation and starting point for all of the panel deliberations."